AI Integration Across Subjects: Grades 6-12

  • Overview: Implementing AI across various subjects to deepen understanding, enhance engagement, and prepare students for the future.
  • Objectives:
    • Identify AI applications in STEM, humanities, and arts for middle and high school students.
    • Discuss the role of AI in supporting project-based learning and research.
    • Address ethical considerations and privacy concerns in using AI tools for education.

AI Integration Across Subjects: Grades 6-12

  • Overview: Implementing AI across various subjects to deepen understanding, enhance engagement, and prepare students for the future.
  • Objectives:
    • Identify AI applications in STEM, humanities, and arts for middle and high school students.
    • Discuss the role of AI in supporting project-based learning and research.
    • Address ethical considerations and privacy concerns in using AI tools for education.

AI Creativity and Learning: Grades 3-5

  • Overview: Leveraging AI to enhance creativity and personalized learning in upper elementary grades.
  • Objectives:
    • Explore AI tools for creative storytelling, art, and problem-solving activities.
    • Learn strategies for using AI to support differentiated learning paths.
    • Encourage ethical digital citizenship and AI awareness among students.

AI Beginnings: K-2 Exploration

  • Overview: Introducing AI concepts to young learners through storytelling, interactive games, and simple AI tools.
  • Objectives:
    • Understand how to integrate basic AI concepts into the K-2 curriculum.
    • Discover AI-powered educational tools appropriate for early learners.
    • Foster curiosity and foundational understanding of AI among young students.

First Year Educators Support Seminars

Are you a first-year educator seeking guidance and support? Look no further than our First Year Educators Support Seminar. Each month, we gather to delve into a diverse range of topics tailored to empower new teachers. From classroom management and special education to parent communication, planning, instruction, legal issues, finances, and beyond, our comprehensive seminars provide the knowledge and resources you need to excel in your teaching journey. Join us and discover a supportive community where you can connect with fellow beginning teachers, share experiences, and overcome challenges together. Don’t navigate your first year alone—let us help you build a strong foundation for a successful career in education.

Book Talks with Miss Molly & Bow Tie Guy

Monthly Recordings Available

Book Talks with Miss Molly & Bow Tie Guy is a monthly video series created for students in grades 2-5 to engage readers and promote high-quality, relatable books. Each month, the hosts, Molly & Jim, spend 10-12 minutes highlighting three chapter books of varying complexity by introducing the characters, providing a summary, and reading a short section.


Subscribe at any time throughout the school year. To get access to all nine Book Talks, sign up by September 30, 2024.

I’m a Teacher; Now What?

Increasingly, schools in SW Wisconsin are hiring teachers who have had careers outside of education.  Administrators and mentors are often too busy to provide all of the support and assistance that these teachers need. Teachers with Experience-Based Licenses, One Year Licenses with Stipulations, or American Board certification are often lost as they start their work. CESA 3 can help.

This three day workshop is designed to give these teachers an “Education 101” crash course that will improve their abilities in classroom management and instructional delivery, give them an education vocabulary, teach them how to create assessments, amplify their understanding and use of educator effectiveness and special education and so much more!

This workshop is designed specifically for your teachers who did not go through a traditional educational program.  Besides Experience-Based Licenses and American Board, they may have simply qualified for a One Year License with Stipulations with a bachelors degree.

The cost of the workshop is $500 for the three days or $200 each for the individual workshops.

We will identify specific needs for individual teachers, as well, and offer the district opportunities for targeted coaching as the school year progresses.

Grading for Growth Network

  • The “Grading for Growth Network” is a dynamic professional development community dedicated to supporting educators and schools in the adoption and continuous re-evaluation of Standards-Based Grading (SBG). It offers a comprehensive suite of resources, including expert coaching, in-person workshops, and an active online community, to facilitate the effective implementation and ongoing refinement of SBG practices. Led by certified SBG specialist Kristin Galle, the network empowers participants to create more equitable, transparent, and impactful assessment systems that prioritize student growth and learning.

Research Insights:

  • Enhanced Student Achievement: Marzano (2010) found that Standards-Based Grading (SBG) correlates with higher academic performance, attributing this to its focus on mastering skills and content. (Marzano, R.J.)
  • Reduced Achievement Gaps: Guskey and Jung (2012) highlighted that SBG offers a fairer assessment by focusing on individual progress, leading to more equitable educational outcomes. (Guskey, T.R., & Jung, L.A.)
  • Increased Motivation: According to Scriffiny (2008), SBG can boost student motivation and engagement by emphasizing understanding over grades, fostering a growth mindset. (Scriffiny, P.L.)


  • 3 In-Person Professional Development and 2 In-Districts Coaching Days
  • Rick Wormeli Asynchronous Modules
  • Online Community
  • Cost: $5000 per district

Why are districts joining?

  • CESA 3 districts are joining the Grading for Growth Network to adopt a more equitable, transparent, and effective approach to assessment that enhances student learning and engagement through Standards-Based Grading.