Special Education Network

Join special education teachers throughout the CESA 3 region to collaborate and learn about topics specifically meant for special education!


Cost of event is $150 for the full series.  Those participating in the New Special Education Teacher Induction Program can join for FREE!

CESA 3 Career and Life Ready Youth Apprenticeship Program in Southwest Wisconsin

Career and Life Ready Designee Meeting

Please join the CESA 3 Career and Life Ready team for these informative and engaging work days to gain information, hear best practices, and collaborate on:

  • Academic and Career Planning
  • Regional Career Pathways
  • Carl Perkins
  • Youth Apprenticeship

Please feel free to bring as many members of your team as you’d like! Register above and click the calendar button below to add the date to your calendar. We look forward to seeing you!

~Darla, Jessica, Ned, and Tom

CESA 3 Champion Games

Champion Games is a unique opportunity for students to compete in track events, various field events, wheelchair races, and other fun activities, hosted at the Boscobel High School Track and City of Bocobel Parks & Recreation Area. Districts may register at any time to show their planned participation. In late March/early April, a registration link will be shared with District Administrators and Special Educator Directors with instructions on how to update necessary participaton numbers in order to successfully prepare for this wonderful event. Please plan to join the fun!

Please note: Champion Game rain date is Monday, May 12, 2025.

ELA Showcase

English/Language Arts teachers from SW Wisconsin can join together on this day to share resources and ideas.  Grades 6-12 are welcome!  The morning will be for sharing lessons, units, and ideas from your practice that might help other teachers.  Depending on enrollment, teachers will get 15-20 minutes to share.  Just having a question and starting a “solution discussion” is fine, too!  The afternoon will start with a presentation of the latest young adult lit recommendations, followed by a discussion of MS/HS literacy topics.  Join us for a great day of talking and learning from English teachers from your neighboring schools!

COST:  $200

Counselor Cafe/Pupil Services Network

Welcome to the Counselor Cafe/Pupil Services Network, a warm and inviting gathering for school counselors, mental health professionals, and educators passionate about creating positive change in the lives of students. This event offers a unique opportunity to foster connections, exchange ideas, and explore innovative approaches in the field of counseling and student support.

Join us for a series of engaging meetings held in a relaxed and collaborative environment. Each session will delve into different aspects of counseling, providing a space for insightful discussions, practical strategies, and networking with like-minded professionals.

Event will be in-person at CESA 3 on October 30, 2024, January 8, 2025, and April 11, 2025 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.  Lunch and materials will be provided!  Participants will be registered for the full series.

After lunch, the counselors involved in the ‘Building Life Blocks’ workshop will join their team at CESA 3 to work on creating lessons for working directly with students.   School Counselors/Pupil Services professionals not involved in “Building Life Blocks” will be released after lunch. The cost of the Counselor Cafe & Pupil Services Network Series has been reduced to $200 for Safe and Healthy Schools members and $350 for non-Safe and Healthy Schools members (Free to “Building Life Blocks” Participants!).

NOTE: See the “Building Life Blocks” Event for information on how to sign up as a participant!

CESA 3 Coaching Collective

Join our dynamic network to elevate your skills and deepen your impact as an instructional coach. This opportunity to learn with and from your colleagues focuses on three primary goals:

  1. Develop Coaching Competencies:
    • Objective: Introduce and review the Wisconsin DPI coaching competencies.
    • Objective: Explore behaviors, beliefs, and values essential for effective coaching.
  2. Apply Equity-Focused Coaching Practices:
    • Objective: Integrate key principles of professional learning into coaching sessions.
    • Objective: Revisit and reflect on equity-focused practices throughout the series.
  3. Enhance Practical Coaching Skills:
    • Objective: Practice core coaching skills such as building rapport, paraphrasing, and posing questions.
    • Objective: Use structured conversations and coaching protocols to support teacher reflection and empowerment.

Our network provides a collaborative space to refine your competencies, deepen your equity-focused practices, and enhance your practical coaching skills. Through coaching sessions and follow up labs, you will engage in reflective activities and structured conversations designed to support your growth and effectiveness as a coach. Whether you’re new to coaching or looking to sharpen your expertise, this network offers the tools and the community all coaches and leaders need to succeed.

Join us to become a transformative coach and make a meaningful impact in your educational community!

Leadership Coaching

Ellie Olson has been certified as a Professional Coach since November of 2016. Ellie’s training took place with The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) with a focus in executive coaching. She is also certified through the International Coaching Federation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). To be certified as a PCC a person must have completed an accredited coach training program and complete over 500 hours of paid coaching. 


While working at CESA 6, Ellie supported Appleton Area School Districts Admin team, Manitowoc Public School District Admin team, School District of Hartford Jt. 1 Admin Team, and Hortonville MS teachers on plans of improvement. Along with the coach training, Ellie is starting her 25th year in education with experience as a math teacher, elementary principal, and middle school/high school principal. 

This service includes:

  • Monthly Individual Coaching Sessions
  • ELI Assessment and Debrief
  • Learning about Energy Leadership
  • One Emergency Call Per Month

Why Coaching

Many successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have an executive coach. We would find it strange if professional athletes did not have a coach. Educational professionals can reach their peak performance by working with a leadership coach. 


A professional coach forms a trusting relationship with a leader to help the leader grow in their position in a productive way. Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change by using the iPEC Successful Change Model which includes the following:

  • Assess Current Situation
  • Explore and Create options
  • Choose option
  • Create a plan
  • Perform
  • Look at results
  • Assess Current Situation and start process again


In the center of this change model is Engaged Energy. There are many variables that can impact engagement. Part of the coaching process is addressing those variables to reach our goals and have your visions come to fruition. 


All leaders wish for more time in a day. Demands of the job often make it difficult to fully support a leader to reach their peak performance. We also know that leadership can be a lonely position and the more support a leader has, new to a position or not, is critical to their success. Leadership Coaching can assist with support and brings in a person from the outside that can be a sounding board for a leader to reach goals and meet expectations. 


Energy Leadership Index Assessment would be used to assess what energy level is used by leaders in “normal” situations and then also what energy level is used when a person is in a “stressful” situation. Coaching will guide leaders to be able to choose what energy level is appropriate. This is a powerful tool that guides leaders to professional growth and awareness. 


Some areas of focus: 

  • Leadership Strengths and Gaps
  • Removing Barriers to Success
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Dynamic Communication
  • Influencing Others
  • Problem Solving
  • Productivity
  • High Energy Relationship
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Energy Levels in Leadership
  • Time Management/Balance

Title I Coordinator and Teacher Meeting

The Title I Network at CESA 3 offers professional development for Title I educators and coordinators including:

  • relevant state & federal updates (including ACT 20)
  • Title I federal law and guidance
  • professional learning related to literacy assessments and interventions
  • networking with regional Title I educators

Three collaborative meetings are held each fall, winter, and spring.