Rural School Leadership Collaborative

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Rural School Leadership Collaborativeshow details + $910.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-391-5856

Reduce isolation, improve teacher morale, and lead a “stress-less” professional life as a rural school leader

Are you looking for meaningful opportunities to connect with colleagues? Discover better ways to lead in complex times? Join our regional network of rural school leaders!

As a member of the Rural School Leadership Collaborative, you receive the following benefits:

  1. Engage in monthly conversations with colleagues around your current challenges and questions.
  2. Reduce professional isolation.
  3. Learn from nationally recognized thought leaders such as Russell Quaglia and other guest speakers.
  4. Acquire tools and develop strategies for increasing your school presence.
  5. Learn about resources for improving teacher morale, retention, and well-being.

Speaker Schedule

(All events are virtual unless noted otherwise.)

  • Thursday, September 5, 9-11am: Guest Speaker Russell Quaglia, co-author, Student Voice
  • Thursday, October 3, 2-3pm: Rural School Leadership Lab #1
  • Thursday, November 7, 9-11am: Guest Speaker Barbara Blackburn, co-author, Improving Teacher Morale and Motivation
  • Wednesday, December 11, 2-3pm: Rural School Leadership Lab #2
  • Wednesday, January 8, 9-11am: Guest speaker T.J. Vari, co-author of Invest In Your Best
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025, 2-3pm: Rural School Leadership Lab #3
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9-11am: Guest Speaker Meredith McNerney, author of Cultivating a Classroom of Calm
  • Thursday, April 3, 2025, 2-3pm: Rural School Leadership Lab #4

Frequently Asked Questions

“I barely have time to grab lunch. How can I manage to engage in monthly network sessions?”

Each session offers productivity tips to manage your time and stress more effectively. You may find you are reclaiming more time by participating and learning in the Rural School Leadership Collaborative.

“The cost for this program is too expensive.”

The value of the speakers that we bring in alone would be worth thousands of dollars together if you were to see them at a conference or bring them to your district.

“I’ve participated in similar programs – it wasn’t helpful.”

As former principals and current coaches, Ellie and Matt are attuned to the needs of our area’s school leaders. We have put together a program that will address your challenges, especially around teacher morale, retention, and well-being.

“I’m not sure if this is right for me.”

We understand! To try out the program, we made our September 5, 2024 event with Dr. Russell Quaglia, co-author of Student Voice, free.

If you liked what you experienced (check out the recording and resources here), register for Rural School Leadership Collaborative by October 1.

Testimonials from Past Participants

“Being a part of the collaborative gave me the time needed to reflect on my growth as an administrator as well as time to revisit my commitments to the people I serve.  The collaborative provided me with new ideas in bite-sized pieces.  What I took away from the collaborative, I was quickly able to implement.  I always left our meetings feeling energized and connected.”
– Erin Eslinger, Principal
“I really enjoyed being a part of the collaborative and am thankful for your leadership in creating the forum.”
– Natalie Owens, Instructional Coach
“I have enjoyed participating in the Rural School Leadership Collaborative for the past two years.  As a new principal, it was a great help connecting me with other area leaders.  I found the ability to connect and share questions and ideas invaluable!  The CESA-3 team provided relevant topics and great guest speakers which allowed me to grow as a leader and add to my professional toolbox.  Whether you are a first-year principal or a returning veteran administrator, I would wholeheartedly recommend becoming a member of the Rural School Leadership Collaborative!”
– Chris Sander, Principal


Bonus: Register today and receive access to Rural School Leadership Collaborative network – a digital space dedicated to supporting leaders like you with relevant discussions, curated resources, and opportunities to connect with colleagues around problems of practice.


Upcoming Dates

  • 03
    Rural School Leadership Lab #1

    Group Coaching/Support to Apply Strategies and Resources

    2:00 pm
    3:00 pm
  • 07
    Guest Speaker: Barbara Blackburn

    Topic: Improving Teacher Morale

    9:00 am
    11:00 am
  • 11
    Rural School Leadership Lab #2

    Group Coaching/Support to Apply Strategies and Resources

    2:00 pm
    3:00 pm
  • 08
    Guest Speaker: T.J. Vari

    Topic: Supporting Faculty to Improve Retention/Reduce Attrition

    9:00 am
    11:00 am
  • 06
    Rural School Leadership Lab #3

    Group Coaching/Support to Apply Strategies and Resources

    2:00 pm
    3:00 pm
  • 06
    Guest Speaker: Meredith McNerney

    Topic: Creating Effective Learning Environments

    9:00 am
    11:00 am
  • 03
    Rural School Leadership Lab #4

    Group Coaching/Support to Apply Strategies and Resources

    2:00 pm
    3:00 pm




Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website: