Play in the Primary Classroom

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Play in the Primary Classroomshow details + $200.00 USD  ea  Expired

Event Phone: 608.822.3276

Play is an essential component of learning, as it allows the opportunity for students to explore their environment with curiosity while building social skills and problem solving abilities. If you’ve ever wondered if there were more ways to get your students active and playing during the school day, this workshop is for you. 

By drawing on various research and resources, the workshop aims to highlight:

  1. Why play is a core resource for learning
  2. How to advocate for play as critical to children’s development and learning in schools

Upcoming Dates

  • 28
    Integrating Play

    Play is an essential component of learning, as it allows for the opportunity for students to explore their environment with curiosity all while building  social skills and problem solving abilities. If you’ve ever wondered if there were more ways to get your students active and playing during the school day, this workshop is for you

    9:00 am
    2:30 pm




Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

1300 Industrial Drive, Fennimore, Wisconsin, 53809, United States