Leadership Coaching

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Leadership Coachingshow details + $1,450.00 USD  ea  Expired
Leadership Coachingshow details + $1,450.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-379-2218

Ellie Olson has been certified as a Professional Coach since November of 2016. Ellie’s training took place with The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) with a focus in executive coaching. She is also certified through the International Coaching Federation as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). To be certified as a PCC a person must have completed an accredited coach training program and complete over 500 hours of paid coaching. 


While working at CESA 6, Ellie supported Appleton Area School Districts Admin team, Manitowoc Public School District Admin team, School District of Hartford Jt. 1 Admin Team, and Hortonville MS teachers on plans of improvement. Along with the coach training, Ellie is starting her 25th year in education with experience as a math teacher, elementary principal, and middle school/high school principal. 

This service includes:

  • Monthly Individual Coaching Sessions
  • ELI Assessment and Debrief
  • Learning about Energy Leadership
  • One Emergency Call Per Month

Why Coaching

Many successful CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have an executive coach. We would find it strange if professional athletes did not have a coach. Educational professionals can reach their peak performance by working with a leadership coach. 


A professional coach forms a trusting relationship with a leader to help the leader grow in their position in a productive way. Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change by using the iPEC Successful Change Model which includes the following:

  • Assess Current Situation
  • Explore and Create options
  • Choose option
  • Create a plan
  • Perform
  • Look at results
  • Assess Current Situation and start process again


In the center of this change model is Engaged Energy. There are many variables that can impact engagement. Part of the coaching process is addressing those variables to reach our goals and have your visions come to fruition. 


All leaders wish for more time in a day. Demands of the job often make it difficult to fully support a leader to reach their peak performance. We also know that leadership can be a lonely position and the more support a leader has, new to a position or not, is critical to their success. Leadership Coaching can assist with support and brings in a person from the outside that can be a sounding board for a leader to reach goals and meet expectations. 


Energy Leadership Index Assessment would be used to assess what energy level is used by leaders in “normal” situations and then also what energy level is used when a person is in a “stressful” situation. Coaching will guide leaders to be able to choose what energy level is appropriate. This is a powerful tool that guides leaders to professional growth and awareness. 


Some areas of focus: 

  • Leadership Strengths and Gaps
  • Removing Barriers to Success
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Dynamic Communication
  • Influencing Others
  • Problem Solving
  • Productivity
  • High Energy Relationship
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Energy Levels in Leadership
  • Time Management/Balance

Upcoming Dates

  • 01
    Leadership Coaching

    Unlock your peak performance with Ellie Olson, a seasoned educational leader and certified executive coach, who leverages 25 years of experience and the iPEC Successful Change Model to empower administrators and teachers to achieve their professional goals through dynamic, personalized coaching. 

    8:00 am
    11:45 pm


  • Ellie Olson
    Leadership Coaching/Educator Effectiveness Coordinator


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website: