Grading for Growth Network

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Grading for Growth Networkshow details + $5,000.00 USD  ea  Expired

Event Phone: 608-822-3276

  • The “Grading for Growth Network” is a dynamic professional development community dedicated to supporting educators and schools in the adoption and continuous re-evaluation of Standards-Based Grading (SBG). It offers a comprehensive suite of resources, including expert coaching, in-person workshops, and an active online community, to facilitate the effective implementation and ongoing refinement of SBG practices. Led by certified SBG specialist Kristin Galle, the network empowers participants to create more equitable, transparent, and impactful assessment systems that prioritize student growth and learning.

Research Insights:

  • Enhanced Student Achievement: Marzano (2010) found that Standards-Based Grading (SBG) correlates with higher academic performance, attributing this to its focus on mastering skills and content. (Marzano, R.J.)
  • Reduced Achievement Gaps: Guskey and Jung (2012) highlighted that SBG offers a fairer assessment by focusing on individual progress, leading to more equitable educational outcomes. (Guskey, T.R., & Jung, L.A.)
  • Increased Motivation: According to Scriffiny (2008), SBG can boost student motivation and engagement by emphasizing understanding over grades, fostering a growth mindset. (Scriffiny, P.L.)


  • 3 In-Person Professional Development and 2 In-Districts Coaching Days
  • Rick Wormeli Asynchronous Modules
  • Online Community
  • Cost: $5000 per district

Why are districts joining?

  • CESA 3 districts are joining the Grading for Growth Network to adopt a more equitable, transparent, and effective approach to assessment that enhances student learning and engagement through Standards-Based Grading.

Upcoming Dates

  • 06
    Grading for Growth Network Day 2

    CESA 3 districts are joining the Grading for Growth Network to adopt a more equitable, transparent, and effective approach to assessment that enhances student learning and engagement through Standards-Based Grading. 

    9:00 am
    3:00 pm
  • 11
    Grading for Growth Network Day 3

    CESA 3 districts are joining the Grading for Growth Network to adopt a more equitable, transparent, and effective approach to assessment that enhances student learning and engagement through Standards-Based Grading. 

    9:00 am
    3:00 pm


  • Kristin Galle
    Personalized/Digital Learning Coach/Library 21 Coordinator/Marketing Director


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

1300 Industrial Drive, Fennimore, Wisconsin, 53809, United States

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