Flocabulary: Enhancing Learning with Music and Videos

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Admissionshow details + $50.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-732-5460

Join us for an exciting hour exploring Flocabulary, a unique educational platform that uses music, rap, and video to enrich teaching and learning. Discover how Flocabulary can be integrated into your curriculum to improve student engagement, enhance retention, and foster creative expression across all grade levels and subjects. This webinar is perfect for educators seeking innovative methods to engage diverse learners.

Upcoming Dates

  • 15
    Flocabulary: Enhancing Learning with Music and Videos
    12:00 pm
    1:00 pm


  • Kristin Galle
    Personalized/Digital Learning Coach/Library 21 Coordinator/Marketing Director


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

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