Developing Driving Question Boards and Unit Storylines (K-5 Teachers)

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Developing Driving Question Boards and Unit Storylinesshow details + $200.00 USD  ea  Expired
K-5 Teachersshow details + $200.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-822-3276

Driving question boards provide an opportunity for students to feel in control of their own learning. The driving question gets at the heart of what students should learn within a unit of instruction. Student begin to add other questions that support the original driving question. These questions then get organized to plan the necessary investigations to figure out answers to the questions. When used well students bring in their own evidence from life experiences and conduct investigations to generate answers for other questions. In the end students will put together all of the pieces to solve the overall question for the unit.

Upcoming Dates

  • 13
    Developing Driving Question Boards and Unit Storylines

    Driving question boards ignite student curiosity and agency, guiding them to connect personal experiences and investigative inquiry to unravel and solve the core questions of their educational unit. 

    8:00 am
    4:00 pm

Guest Presenter


  • Kristin Galle
    Personalized/Digital Learning Coach/Library 21 Coordinator/Marketing Director


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

1300 Industrial Drive, Fennimore, Wisconsin, 53809, United States

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