Cohesion of Storylines using Summary Tables (6-12 Science Teachers)

Details Price Qty
Cohesion of Storylines using Summary Tablesshow details + $200.00 USD  ea  Expired
6-12 Science Teachersshow details + $200.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-822-3276

Have you ever wanted to empower students to feel empowered about their own learning? Driving question boards get students to ask questions to chart the course for the investigations, and the summary table becomes a public record of the learning experiences. When done well, students will know exactly why each activity was needed to help them answer key questions to put together all of the pieces to construct deep understanding.

Upcoming Dates

  • 12
    Cohesion of Storylines using Summary Tables

    Discover how driving question boards and summary tables can transform classrooms. They enable students to spearhead their learning journey and piece together deep understanding through structured, inquiry-based exploration. 

    8:00 am
    4:00 pm


  • Kristin Galle
    Personalized/Digital Learning Coach/Library 21 Coordinator/Marketing Director

Guest Presenter


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

1300 Industrial Drive, Fennimore, Wisconsin, 53809, United States

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