CESA 3’s Academy in Literacy Leadership Fall Cohort (in partnership with EAB)

Details Price Qty
Leadership Team Registration (3-5 participants)show details + $2,250.00 USD  ea 

Join CESA 3’s Academy in Literacy Leadership, in partnership with EAB. Through a blended model of in-person and asynchronous learning, this six-day series is designed to empower educational leaders with the knowledge, skills, and tools to improve literacy systems and structures.


Through this series, leadership teams will…


  1. Learn and understand the essential components of evidence-based literacy instruction as it aligns to the National Reading Panel report (2000) and additional literacy research.
  2. Conduct a multi-faceted system review in literacy to develop a system map to identify current local literacy practices.
  3. Acquire tools and resources to gather qualitative data to evaluate system-wide literacy practices. 
  4. Create a goal and plan of action for sustainable improvement in literacy outcomes for all students.

Upcoming Dates

  • 24
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 1 (CESA 3)

    Act 20
    Examine Requirements
    Conduct a Self Assessment on Act 20 readiness Part 1 & 2
    Tools & Resources
    Plan for Implementation
    Leadership Team
    Who’s on your Team?
    Effective School Wide Systems to Implement Improvements
    Creating a Literacy Vision Statement
    Learn and Understand Essential components of Evidence Based Literacy Instruction
    Multi-Level Systems of Support
    Science of Reading 

    8:30 am
    3:00 pm
  • 25
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 2 (CESA 3)

    Act 20
    Examine Requirements
    Conduct a Self Assessment on Act 20 readiness Part 1 & 2
    Tools & Resources
    Plan for Implementation
    Leadership Team
    Who’s on your Team?
    Effective School Wide Systems to Implement Improvements
    Creating a Literacy Vision Statement
    Learn and Understand Essential components of Evidence Based Literacy Instruction
    Multi-Level Systems of Support
    Science of Reading

    8:30 am
    3:00 pm
  • 02
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 3 (Virtual)

    Tier 2 Instruction
    Act 20
    Plan for Implementation
    Evaluate the effectiveness of current classroom practices of small group instruction
    Create a personal reading plan
    Develop a vision for high quality Tier 2 instruction in the K-3 classrooms 

    8:30 am
    11:30 am
  • 09
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 4 (Virtual)

    Tier 3 Instruction
    Act 20
    Reflect on Implementation plans
    Define tier 3 instruction, examine effective models and explore common myths surrounding practices
    Explore the impact of scheduling, licensing, and policies on effective EMLSS systems
    Identify strategies for effective summer school programming for intermediate elementary students 

    8:30 am
    11:30 am
  • 15
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 5 (Asynchronous)

    Student Engagement & Agency
    Examine the importance of student engagement and agency for early readers.
    Identify effective systems and strategies necessary for fostering student engagement, motivation and agency 

    8:30 am
    11:30 am
  • 22
    Literacy Leadership Academy: Day 6 (CESA 3)

    Family Engagement & Agency
    Examine the importance of family engagement and agency for early readers.
    Identify effective systems and strategies necessary for fostering family engagement in your schools.

    8:30 am
    3:00 pm




Venue Phone: 6088223276

Venue Website:

1300 Industrial Drive, Fennimore, Wisconsin, 53809, United States