AI Creativity and Learning: Grades 3-5

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AI Creativity and Learning: Grades 3-5show details + $50.00 USD  ea 

Event Phone: 608-732-5460

  • Overview: Leveraging AI to enhance creativity and personalized learning in upper elementary grades.
  • Objectives:
    • Explore AI tools for creative storytelling, art, and problem-solving activities.
    • Learn strategies for using AI to support differentiated learning paths.
    • Encourage ethical digital citizenship and AI awareness among students.

Upcoming Dates

  • 29
    AI Creativity and Learning: Grades 3-5

    Explore AI tools for creative storytelling, art, and problem-solving activities. 

    12:00 pm
    1:00 pm


  • Kristin Galle
    Personalized/Digital Learning Coach/Library 21 Coordinator/Marketing Director


Venue Phone: 608-822-3276

Venue Website:

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