Event Phone: 608-379-2218
Does your school use the CESA 6 Effectiveness Project to evaluate teachers? If so, this training is to prepare one person from your district to lead all evaluators through the recertification experience that takes place each semester. This training would also be beneficial if you are the only evaluator in your building for a collaborative experience with other evaluators from our region.
The recertification facilitation for the Effectiveness Project evaluation system in Wisconsin offers a specialized program aimed at principals seeking certification in evaluating teachers using the Dr. Stronge evaluation model. Through this recertification facilitation opportunity participants will be able to lead the experience in their own district with all evaluators. Participants will have what is needed to guide evaluators in collaboration around important topics for growing teachers for the students in your school.
All evaluators are to complete the recertification training each semester. Help your evaluators get the most out of the experience by going through the training with a CESA 3 EE Coordinator prior to completing the recertification with your colleagues in your district.
Upcoming Dates
04FebSpring EP Recertification8:30 am-11:00 am
Ellie Olson
Leadership Coaching/Educator Effectiveness Coordinator